Change the world
HIV & AIDS Research Unit
If you know what your HIV status is, and you happen to be HIV-positive, you can take the necessary care to ensure that you stay healthy and alive for many years to come. Remember that a cure may be found for AIDS within the period that you are alive. You do not have to die tomorrow because you tested HIV-positive today.
Yes. These tests are indeed expensive and doctors' consultation fees are very high. But now there is great news for all, both staff and students. You can now have such a test done free of charge at our Port Elizabeth Technikon's Unit for Health Services clinics (Main campus, 2nd Avenue campus, George campus). Voluntary counselling and testing is now funded by a special project run by the technikons, universities and government. Please consult with any of the nursing sisters at the clinics. Your name is not directly linked to the test results, only a number, so no-one will know why you visited the clinic, no-one will know the outcome of the test (only you and the nurse), your results will be given to no-one.